
6. Wanita yang suka memberi dan rela berkorban
Yaitu wanita yang tidak mementingkan dirinya sendiri dan lebih mengutamakan suaminya, ridho suaminya dia dahulukan dari pada ridhanya, dan apabila ia kehilangan suaminya seakan-akan ia kehilangan udara untuk ia bernafas.
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5. Wanita yang selalu mengharapkan ridho suaminya dan bersimpati
Istri Sholehah adalah istri yang mengerjakan segala sesuatu yang diridhoi oleh suaminya, melakukan segalanya yang dapat membawanya ke dalam keridhoan pasangannya yang dicintainya. Dan yang lebih terpenting lagi adalah kesadarannya untuk selalu mengharap ridho setiap saat karena itulah jihad tertinggi bagi seorang istri.
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4. Wanita Yang Paham Akan Hak Suaminya
Yaitu wanita yang paham akan kedudukan suaminya yang diagungkan Islam, melaksanakan kewajibannya terhadap suaminya dengan sebaik mungkin dengan tujuan sebagai ibadah yang mendekatkan dirinya kepada Allah swt.
Diantara faktor-faktor yang mendatangkan kebahagiaan dan cinta diantara suami istri adalah pahamnya istri akan hak suami yang dengan dasar itulah ia memberikan perhatian kepada suaminya serta bermu’amalah dengannya.
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4. Wanita Yang Paham Akan Hak Suaminya

Yaitu wanita yang paham akan kedudukan suaminya yang diagungkan Islam, melaksanakan kewajibannya terhadap suaminya dengan sebaik mungkin dengan tujuan sebagai ibadah yang mendekatkan dirinya kepada Allah swt.
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Islam has laid down some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. To achieve these rights Islam provides not only legal safeguards but also a very effective moral system. Thus whatever leads to the welfare of the individual or the society is morally good in Islam and whatever is injurious is morally bad. Islam attaches so much importance to the love of God and love of man that it warns against too much of formalism. We read in the Quran:
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What is Islam?

The name “Islam” simply means “Self-surrender to the Will of God.” It is the way of life that all Prophets through out history have taught, from those known in the Western world such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus to those sent to other parts of the earth like Salih, Shu’ayb and Luqman, the African. The last and final Guide was Muhammad, may he be blessed, who lived in sixth century Arabia. A “Muslim,”(i,e. a self surrendered one,) is a follower of this faith. Nearly one in every five persons alive today is a Muslim.
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Islamic Manners

Islamic Manners Islam, in its legislations, aims to produce a well-balanced individual in every way: psychologically, spiritually, and materially. Many of Islam’s injunctions are specially intended for producing peace and spiritual contentment by providing verbal remembrances for a Muslim’s every activity.
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Among the blessings and favors that Allah has bestowed upon humanity is that He endowed them with an innate ability to recognize and acknowledge His existence. He placed this awareness deep in their hearts as a natural propensity that has not varied since human beings were first created. Furthermore, He reinforced this natural propensity with the signs that he placed in Creation that testify to His existence. However, since it is not possible for human beings to have a detailed knowledge of Allah except through revelation from Himself, Allah sent His Messengers to teach the people about their Creator Who they must worship. These Messengers also brought with them the details of how to worship Allah, because such details cannot be known except by way of revelation. These two fundamentals were the most important things that the Messengers of all the divine revelations brought with them from Allah.
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A structure without support must collapse. Likewise, Islamic brotherhood will fall apart if it loses the basis upon which it rests and which gives it support and stability. If we were to try to enumerate all the building blocks upon which Islamic brotherhood rests, we would not be able to do so, because they are so numerous. Yet we may summarize them briefly in the following manner:
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The Muslims, starting with Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him), put into practice the highest form of justice. Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) placed himself on the same level with the rest of humanity. The Qur’ân relates to us that he said: “Verily I am a man like yourselves.”
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